In Balance Sunfiber Sangreen

Prebiotičko topljivo vlakno

Cijena: 21,69 €
Najniža cijena u posljednjih 30 dana: 24,10 €
In Balance Sunfiber

Sunfiber je djelomično hidrolizirana guar guma (PHGG).
Sunfiber ima snažne prebiotičke karakteristike, povećava broj Laktobacili i Bifidobakterija.
Studija je pokazala da uzimanje 6 g dnevno nakon samo 2 tjedna daje 200 000 bilijuna novih bifidobacteria što ga čini 1500 puta snažnijim od probiotika.



  • Odrasli i djeca iznad 12 godina: uzeti 6 do 10 g dnevno
  • Djeca od 7 do 11 godina: uzeti 3 do 6 g dnevno

Jedna razom puna mjerica sadrži cca 6 g.

Preporučenu dnevnu dozu razmutite u 200 ml vode, soka ili bilo koje tekućine (osim gaziranih). Sunfiber® se može dodati kremama, juhama, jogurtima, desertima ili bilo kojoj drugoj hrani. Sunfiber® se brzo i potpuno otapa, ne gelira, ne mijenja okus, miris i teksturu pića ili hrane.

Popiti prije obroka ili uzeti sa obrokom u bilo koje doba dana. Nastojte uzimati svaki dan u isto vrijeme.

Napomene: Čuvati od dohvata male djece. Preporučene dnevne doze ne smiju se prekoračiti. Dodatak prehrani nije nadomjestak ili zamjena uravnoteženoj prehrani. Važno je pridržavati se uravnoteženog i raznovrsnog načina prehrane te zdravog načina života.

Upozorenje: Potrebno je prije uzimanja dodatka prehrani posavjetovati se s liječnikom ili stručnom osobom, pogotovo trudnice i dojilje.

Uvjeti čuvanja: Na suhom i tamnom mjestu na temperaturi do 25°C.



Sastojci u dnevnoj dozi (2 mjerice):

12 g Sunfiber® djelomično hidrolizirana guar guma, topivo prebiotičko prehrambeno vlakno u prahu iz sjemena guargraha (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba)*

Načelo čistih sastojaka: Samo aktivni standardizirani sastojak (bez punila, konzervansa, dodanog šećera i umjetnih bojila).



  1. Randomized clinical study: Partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) versus placebo in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Niv E1, Halak A2, Tiommny E2, Yanai H2, Strul H2, Naftali T3, Vaisman N1. PUBMED PMID: 26855665
  2. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation: effects of gender, age, and body mass index.Russo L, Andreozzi P, Zito FP, Vozzella L, Savino IG, Sarnelli G, Cuomo R1. PUBMED PMID:25843197
  3. Role of partially hydrolyzed guar gum in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.Giannini EG1, Mansi C, Dulbecco P, Savarino V. PUBMED PMID: 16413751
  4. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum accelerates colonic transit time and improves symptoms in adults with chronic constipation. Polymeros D1, Beintaris I, Gaglia A, Karamanolis G, Papanikolaou IS, Dimitriadis G, Triantafyllou K. PUBMED PMID: 24711073
  5. Can partially hydrolyzed guar gum be an alternative to lactulose in treatment of childhood constipation? Üstündağ G1, Kuloğlu Z, Kirbaş N, Kansu A. PUBMED PMID:21331988
  6. Influence of partially hydrolyzed guar gum on constipation in women.Takahashi H1, Wako N, Okubo T, Ishihara N, Yamanaka J, Yamamoto T. PUBMED PMID: 7965214
  7. Effect of supplements of partially hydrolyzed guar gum on the occurrence of constipation and use of laxative agents. Patrick PG1, Gohman SM, Marx SC, DeLegge MH, Greenberg NA. PUBMED PMID: 9710664
  8. Effect of partially hidrolized guar-gum in the treatment of functional constipation among hospitalized patients. Belo GM1, Diniz Ada S, Pereira AP. PUBMED PMID:18425236
  9. Consumption of partially hydrolysed guar gum stimulates Bifidobacteria and butyrate-producing bacteria in the human large intestine. Ohashi Y1, Sumitani K, Tokunaga M, Ishihara N, Okubo T, Fujisawa T. PUBMED PMID: 25519526
  10. Role of PHGG as a dietary fiber: a review article. Quartarone G1.PUBMED PMID:24212352
  11. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum in pediatric functional abdominal pain. Romano C1, Comito D, Famiani A, Calamarà S, Loddo I. PUBMED PMID:23345946
  12. Efficacy of partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) supplemented modified oral rehydration solution in the treatment of severely malnourished children with watery diarrhoea: a randomised double-blind controlled trial. Alam NH1, Ashraf H1, Kamruzzaman M2, Ahmed T3, Islam S4, Olesen MK5, Gyr N6, Meier R7.PUBMED PMID: 26825757
  13. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum: clinical nutrition uses. Slavin JL1, Greenberg NA.PUBMED PMID: 12781858
  14. Effects of prebiotics on immune system and cytokine expression. Shokryazdan P1, Faseleh Jahromi M1,2, Navidshad B3, Liang JB4. PMID: 27704207
  15. The Gut Microbiota of Healthy Aged Chinese Is Similar to That of the Healthy Young Gaorui Bian,a Gregory B. Gloor,corresponding authora,b,c,* Aihua Gong,a Changsheng Jia,a Wei Zhang,d Jun Hu,e Hong Zhang,f Yumei Zhang,g Zhenqing Zhou,h Jiangao Zhang,i Jeremy P. Burton,a,c,j Gregor Reid,a,c,j Yongliang Xiao,a Qiang Zeng,corresponding authork Kaiping Yang,corresponding authora,c,l,m,n and Jiangang Licorresponding author  PMC5615133
Pakiranje 180 g
Nagradni bodovi 24,10
Rok valjanosti 31.07.2025

Napomena: Kraći rok valjanosti